The best of all monopoly profits is a quiet life

The noted English economist John Hicks famously said that the best of all monopoly profits is a quiet life,
John. R. Hicks (Balliol College, Oxford Univ) , Annual Survey of Economic Theory: The Theory of Monopoly,3 Econometrica 1, 8 (1935).

…………………..To many observers, this payment (612.5 million) reflected the strong bargaining position NTP enjoyed by virtue of its threat to shut down BlackBerry service, not the underlying value of NTP’s patented technology.
 ……………..Learning law is like learning a language. You cannot learn a language by reading a dictionary and a grammar book; you have to immerse yourself.
Christian Shapiro,Injunctions, Hold-up, and Patent Royalties, American Law and Economics Review, OUP, (2010)

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The Rhodes Trust

Transformative gift from the Robertson Foundation to support the Rhodes Scholarships for New Zealand

Oxford Vice-Chancellor announces new £3 billion fundraising target

The Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University has announced that the new target for the University's fundraising campaign is three billion pounds – while warning that despite the power of philanthropy, public funding will always have a vital role in higher education.


Dr. John Evans, co-founder of MaRS (University of Toronto) and much more, gave $10 million to MaRS to launch a Solutions Lab for fostering innovation by teams of talented young Canadians.

The Vision and Generosity of Dr. James Martin

The Oxford Martin School was founded as the James Martin 21st Century School at the University of Oxford in 2005, through the vision and generosity of Dr James Martin. It is a unique interdisciplinary research initiative tackling global future challenges. In 2009, a $50 million matched funding challenge initiated by Dr Martin more than doubled the School’s size.

Michael Moritz donates $50 million to Christ Church

Michael Moritz and Harriet Heyman have donated $50m (over £25m) to Christ Church. Under the terms of the gift, Christ Church will transfer an additional £75m of its existing endowment into the Oxford University Asset Management fund, which was established recently to improve the management of the University’s long-term funds. Christ Church’s total stake in the University’s investment pool will rise to over £100m.

Support a Student

Help us ensure that we can support more bright young minds by supporting this year's University Annual Fund

Gifts to Charity are Exempt from Inheritance Tax IHT

Reducing inheritance tax Gifts to charity are exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT) in the UK, and the government has recently announced measures which provide a further incentive. If you leave charitable gifts in your will that amount to 10% or more of your chargeable net estate, the IHT rate on the whole of your estate will be reduced from 40% to 36%. The saving, after your gift is made, is passed on to your remaining beneficiaries. The reduction in IHT applies to deaths on or after 6 April 2012. We strongly advise you to consult your legal advisor before drafting a new will or updating an existing one.